Extra Tasty Yorkshire Puddings

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There's nothing more satisfying than serving up a hearty roast dinner for your family on a Sunday (or any other day of the week for that matter) and I've been experimenting recently on that old classic - the Yorkshire Pudding. Here's my herby take on this little beauty...


  • 4oz plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 fluid ounces of milk
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Half a tablespoon of very finely chopped rosemary or thyme


  1. Place a little olive oil into the bottom of a 12 hole baking tray and place into a preheated oven (gas mark 7)
  2. Create a well in your flour and crack your eggs into the middle
  3. Add a little milk and mix into a smooth paste
  4. Add the rest of the milk and beat to make light and frothy
  5. Mix in your seasoning and herbs before dividing the mixture evenly between the 12 holes in your preheated baking tray
  6. Place back into your  hot oven and cook for 15 - 20 minutes until fully risen and golden brown
  7. Serve hot with your Sunday roast

Afternoon Tea Scones

Talking of afternoon tea (see previous post) and inspired by the beautiful recipes I've been salivating over on the Anecdotes and Applecores blog, made me think of this recipe, which has to be the easiest and cheapest scone recipe ever. It makes delicious scones which I often add different bits and bobs to.


8oz flour
3oz butter
1/4 pint of milk

Why not try adding some chopped almonds or pistachios along with some chopped glace cherries or how about the grated zest of one orange and try serving with orange curd and clotted cream instead of jam.


Preheat your oven to gas mark 7
Rub the butter and four together to create a fine breadcrumb like mixture
Stir in any additional ingredients such as your dried fruit
Mix in the milk and combine until a ball of dough forms
Gently kneed for one to two minutes
Roll out until the dough is about 1inch thick then use a biscuit cutter to cut out your rounds
Place your rounds on a lined baking tray, brush with a little milk and then bake in the oven for 12 - 15 minutes until golden on top

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