Mini Egg Frittatas

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Well it's over a year now since bundle of joy number two arrived and despite frequent attempts to start exercising properly, eat more healthily and regain a more streamlined figure, I am yet to succeed. Of course I have many excuses. The biggest being my perceived lack of time to get things done, like cook healthy meals in the evening rather than reaching for something quick and processed from the freezer, or eating crisps and sweets at lunchtime rather than preparing a more nutritious packed lunch. However I recently stumbled across a recipe for these little gems, which can be batch cooked and provide a low carb, protein high snack for lunch or breakfast.

Mini Egg Frittatas


2 tsps wholegrain mustard
6 eggs
Pinch of salt and pepper
4oz mature cheddar cheese
4oz chopped ham or pancetta
1 tomato finely chopped
2oz finely chopped onion


  • Preheat your oven to gas mark 5 and lightly grease a 12 hole baking tray
  • Whisk your eggs, mustard and seasoning and set aside
  • In a large bowl mix together your cheese, onion, ham and tomato before dividing equally between the twelve holes in your baking tray
  • Now equally divide the egg mixture between the twelve holes before baking in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until slightly golden brown on top
  • Leave to cool slightly before popping out of your baking tray - delicious hot or cold!

Why not change the filling ingredients, feta cheese and spinach is another favourite in our house.


Extra Tasty Yorkshire Puddings

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There's nothing more satisfying than serving up a hearty roast dinner for your family on a Sunday (or any other day of the week for that matter) and I've been experimenting recently on that old classic - the Yorkshire Pudding. Here's my herby take on this little beauty...


  • 4oz plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 fluid ounces of milk
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Half a tablespoon of very finely chopped rosemary or thyme


  1. Place a little olive oil into the bottom of a 12 hole baking tray and place into a preheated oven (gas mark 7)
  2. Create a well in your flour and crack your eggs into the middle
  3. Add a little milk and mix into a smooth paste
  4. Add the rest of the milk and beat to make light and frothy
  5. Mix in your seasoning and herbs before dividing the mixture evenly between the 12 holes in your preheated baking tray
  6. Place back into your  hot oven and cook for 15 - 20 minutes until fully risen and golden brown
  7. Serve hot with your Sunday roast
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