Don't let your sister con you into believing she is capable of carrying out beauty treatments.
The problem started the other day... I was moaning to my sister about how I needed to get my eyebrows waxed and, very kindly, she offered to do them for me.
So far so good, eyebrows done and she did a god job but whilst scrutinising my rather haggard face, she 'kindly' pointed out that I seemed to be growing little moustache - talk about helping me feel good about myself - and should she wax that off too.
"Why not?" I said. "In for a penny in for a pound and it would be nice to feel a little more up together."
HOWEVER... she neglected to use the facial hair waxing strips and now I have a bright red, spotty top lip instead!
Some people might argue that I should have known better, after all this isn't the first time the sis has inflicted her 'beauty' treatments on me.
Whilst training at college, she asked me to come in for a facial as she needed some volunteers to be assessed on. Fancying a relaxing treatment I agreed to be her guinea pig only to discover on arrival that she didn't need to give anyone a facial at all but a bikini wax instead.
The pain was bad enough but this paled into insignificance compared to the humiliation of having her handiwork inspected by the course tutor.
Moral of the story... perhaps I should eat less cake and use the substantial amount of money I would save to fork out for some proper beauty treatments!