The Mummy Fairy

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mummy fairy
Like many of you out there,  motherhood seemed to be an elusive dream until earlier this year when my wish was finally granted and my husband and I became the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl.  Determined to make the most of this much longed for arrival, I managed to persuade my husband (let's call him Mr Sensible) to let me take nine months off work to devote myself to my little bundle of fun.

Of course, in an ideal world, I wouldn't have to return to work until my daughter was at School and I could spend the next few years enjoying motherhood to the fullest. But with the pressures of modern living, there is no doubt that, financially, even these 9 months are going to be a struggle, just like they are for any other parent.

And just like any other first-time parent there are days when you don't know which way is up; the baby is crying (you don't know why, even though the books tell you you should be able to work it out), the house is a tip and there hasn't been enough time in the day to do any of the jobs you had planned to do. So I'll be sharing my stories and tips: the good, the bad and the ugly, in the hope that this blog might help some mummies achieve the following three wishes: to save time, save money and save their sanity!